Freitag, 6. Dezember 2019

Contemporary Art. Berlin. Protest Exhibition. Open Letter. 6.12.2019

We are deeply concerned and outraged at the way the exhibition policy in some of Berlin's communal galleries is conducted, because only a few artists - arbitrarily selected by the Kommunale Galerieleinung - are regularly sponsored and exhibited at the expense of hundreds of other artists who don't get a chance to exhibit their works in communal galleries and get a fee for doing so. Even a brief overview of the artists' biographies clearly shows that they - namely Ms. Ines Doleschal and Ms. Susanne Piotter - were shown uninterruptedly in Berlin's Kommunale Galerien in 2019 alone, in Kommunale Galerie Schloß Biesdorf and in Kommunale Galerie Projektraum alte Feuerwache. Before that, Mrs. Doleschal was repeatedly shown in Schwartzsche Villa, in Galerie Weisser Elefant and in Galerie Nord Kunstverein Tiergarten. Likewise Susanne Piotter. Please see below:

Ines Doleschal:

2019 Schloß Biesdorf, 

2019 Projektraum Alte Feuerwache 4x3 Bauhaus, 

2016 URBAN kommunale Galerie Berlin,

2015 Schwartzsche Villa 

2015 Galerie Nord Kunstverein Tiergarten

2014 Galerie Weisser elefant

2011 Projektraum Alte Feuerwache,

Susan Piotter

2019 4x3:bauhaus, projektraum alte feuerwache, Berlin

2019 COLLECT, SELECT, SAY GOOD-BYE, Schloss Biesdorf (K)

2016Gedok Urban / Aspekte Berliner Kunst, Kommunale Galerie Berlin

2015Das Ganze und die Summe der Teile, KUNST.RAUM.STEGLITZ, Berlin (S)

It is not our intention here to examine the works of the artists mentioned above according to their artistic quality, they are certainly not bad. Our point here is that no artist can create such important works of art in such a short time that they need to be constantly presented in publicly funded Berlin art spaces over the years. Berlin Municipal Galleries are not just for showing the same artists selected for some arbitrary reason. Because in Berlin there are hundreds of artists who are no less good but never get a chance to be shown in communal galleries and publicly funded art spaces, because there're only the same female artists who are repeatedly exhibited over the years. We find such exhibition policies in Berlin's publicly funded exhibition spaces unfair. We suggest that the management of the above-mentioned galleries exhibit their artistic preferences somewhere else and if they can't help it and don't fulfill their tasks - they should leave the selection of artists to other curators or artists. 

Our demands:

- to replace the gallery director's position with  artists or curators invited by the respective city council, to realize their projects in the publicly financed gallery spaces.

- Installation of a curatorial expert committee with 50% of the votes
of women who decide on thef exhibitions topics

More transparency in the decision-making on the choice of artists participating in
exhibitions in publicly funded art spaces

Participation of citizens in the choice of exhibition topics

Board of curators has to be elected every four years

Transparency in the allocation of management posts to municipal galleries

 - Quotation of participation of artists in exhibitions
in municipal galleries (max. 1 time in 4 years)


Ines Doleschal

Biography: Susanne Piotter


geb. in Düsseldorf, lebt und arbeitet in Berlin
1990-1992 Höhere Berufsfachschule für Gestaltung, Köln
1992-1996 Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design/NL, Diplom Bühnenbild
1999-2000 Multimedia-Design, Berlin

4x3:bauhaus, projektraum alte feuerwache, Berlin
Change, BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, Berlin (K)
Poetics of change, BBA Gallery Berlin @ Fann Á Porter Gallery, Dubai /UAE (K)
TRANSFORMART#3, artfestival, Rathenauhallen, Berlin
Kunst trifft Gesundheit, Kunstpreis der AOK Nordost, Berlin (K)
TRANSFORMART#2, artfestival, Rathenauhallen, Berlin
OUTLANDS, Galerie BERLIN BLUE art, Berlin (K)
Kunstlicht, Velten
Berlin Blue 2017, Galerie BERLIN BLUE art, Berlin
Kunstpreis Worpswede, Mobilitätsmuseum PS Speicher, Einbeck
Draw/Bridge, curated by Alex Devart, Arthouse1, London/UK
TRANSFORMART#1/ artfestival, Rathenauhallen, Berlin
1st International Printbiennale Lodz, Art Inkubator Lodz/PO (K)
C.A.R. contemporary art ruhr, vertreten durch BERLIN BLUE art, Zollverein Essen
Bucharest International Print Biennale, RECYCLED MEMORY, Bucharest/RO (K)
Gedok Urban / Aspekte Berliner Kunst, Kommunale Galerie Berlin
Das Ganze und die Summe der Teile, KUNST.RAUM.STEGLITZ, Berlin (S)
WERK³, 3 Künstlerinnen - 3 Positionen, WW48 Studio, Berlin
Metropolitain Art Fair, Volkskundemuseum, Wien/A
Alles verschwindet, basement Wien, (mit Sophie Tiller/A) (S)
besiedlung 2, Galerie Benedict Wien, (mit Sophie Tiller /A) (S)
Screening, Galerie im Stammelbachspeicher, Hildesheim
Kurze Nacht der Galerien & Museen, Altes Gericht, Wiesbaden
>besiedlung, Galerie aquabitArt, Berlin (mit Sophie Tiller) (S)
ZUGLUFT | 2-teilige Ausstellungsreihe, GEDOK GALERIE, Berlin
Hamburg – Berlin, GEDOK Berlin zu Gast im GEDOK Kunstforum Hamburg
Neuaufnahmen der GEDOK, Verborgenes Museum, Berlin
Contemporary Art Sucks! Design Center De Winkelhaak, Antwerpen/BE
Leistungsschau, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin
Bremer Kunstfrühling, vertreten durch die Galerie CURVALUXA (K)
Inszenierte Momentaufnahmen, Neonchocolate Gallery, Berlin, (S)
19. Kunstmesse im Frauenmuseum, Bonn (K)
Kunstsalon Herbst 2009, Haus der Kunst, München (K)
Miniprint International of Cadaques, Cadaques/ES (K)
XV. Deutsche Internationale Grafik-Triennale, Frechen/Köln (K)
Internationale Ausstellung Nordart, Kunst in der Carlshütte, Rendsburg (K)
Neuköllniade/Werkschau, Schillerpalais, Berlin
Urbane Träume, ukb Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin (mit Martin Schmitz) (S)

(S) Solo (K) Katalog


2019 | Nominiert für den Kunstpreis der AOK-Nordost
2017 | 3. Preis Kunstpreis Worpswede
2016 | Nominierung für den Preis der Bucharest International Print Biennale


2018 | Kunstsammlung Artothek der Landesbibliothek Berlin (ZLB)
2014 | Mag. Alexandra Hanzl, MBA, Lichtenstein - The Princely Collections
2007 | ukb Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin 


ARE/Artistic Research
Meinsteinstrasse 3, 10115
030 9789 38 97

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