Samstag, 8. Februar 2014

Ausstellungsreihe - 100 JAHRE ERSTER WELTKRIEG/ Kriegsgeschichte(n)

7 Februar, 2014

Alte Berliner Garnisonfriedhof
Kleine Rosenthalerstr. 3
10119 Berlin

8 Februar - 23 April, 2014
Museum Alte Garnisonfriedhof Berlin Mitte

Exhibition Opening. Curator Lily Fürstenow with Museum Director and artist NatHalie Braun-Barends and representatives of the Georgian Embassy in Germany

Prisoner of war camp POW camp - the procedure of recording the prisoner's speech on the phonograph Lautarchiv Humboldt University Berlin

Opening Speech. Exhibition Curator Lily Fürstenow

Exhibition guests

Artist Thomas Bratzke

All images courtesy of Lily Fürstenow-Khositashvili


E-merginG artistS

Torstrasse 208, 10115

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