Samstag, 7. Dezember 2013

“Das Wesen der Farben”: Schattenfarben

Exhibition “Das Wesen der Farben”: Schattenfarben
Rudolf Steiner Haus Berlin curated by ARE/Artistic Research Encounters

For Rudolf Steiner “Shadows and images were … related to each other.” What is the essence of such relationship and which truths does it reveal? What is the inner structure of light and shadow in painting and how does it affect colour? The exhibition “Das Wesen der Farben”: Schattenfarben analyses the nature of shadow in painting, its relationship to light and colour, its role and importance in representation throughout art history, and, last but not least, its influence on our perception of the represented image. Another focus is colour: it's origin and its coming into being in the process itself of painting. The interplay of light and shadow intensified by carefully chosen colour palette, abstract colour fields or chromatic gradations of tones have been the subject of artistic quest in art history for centuries. In the works of the painters participating in the exhibition light and shadows reveal subtle emotional states and movements of spirit that would otherwise remain hidden from the spectator. Plato himself created the paradigm of the cave where shadows replaced reality. Plinius on the other hand tells us the story of the origins of painting, according to which a maiden from Korinth, who wanted to preserve the image of her lover, painted a silhouette of his shadow on the wall: thus creating the first painting ever, the imitation. Since then it was believed that in the mythic past of painting the only painterly representations were created by means of lines drawn along the shadows that objects throw in sunlight. The current exhibition is inspired by Rudolf Steiner's teachings on colour that have had an immense influence on the artists of his epoch and played a significant role in giving rise to abstract. The respective lectures entitled “Das Wesen der Farben” (The Essence of Colour) were delivered by Steiner Dornach in May 1921.

The following quote from art historian Prof. Dr. Reinhold J. Fäth's recent lecture on anthroposophical artists Group AENIGMA (1918 to 1932/1943) would perfectly summarise the idea that led us to this exhibition and the artistic practices we would like to bring to our viewers attention in “Schattenfarben”:

All of the artists who created the images we have seen so far were convinced of the reality of a transcendental world of the spiritual, as described in theosophical-anthroposophical writings. They were not engaged in art for art's sake, in formally-aestheticism, in provocation or shrill kick aimed at inciting attention in exhibitions. With respect to the social significance of art Rudolf Steiner emphasised the spiritual, therapeutic and pedagogical aspects of art.”

Dr. Phil. Lily Fürstenow-Khositashvili

Eroffnung: Samstag, 11 Januar, 6 pm.

12 Januar - 9 März, 2014
Termine für Fuhrungen: jeder Sonntag, 15 Uhr

um Anmeldung wird gebeten: 030 9789 38 97
0151 211 83 73 1

Teilnehmende Kunstler:

NatHalie Braun-Barends
Michaela Terčová
Sigrid Braun-Umbach
Stefan Weber
Bettina Sailer

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